January'22 Notes from the Editor

Annette Cardenas

Skål International Director

As we begin a new year full of energy and motivation to continue moving our industry to its full reactivation, I felt it would be appropriate to begin this first newsletter of the year with our Mission Statement which clearly defines our objectives:

"Through our leadership, professionalism and friendship, work together to achieve our vision, maximise networking opportunity and support a responsible Tourism Industry". 

Effective communication, updated information and reaching out to each other are powerful actions to improve our business while making new friends. With over 12,000 members worldwide we have the perfect opportunity to make alliances and promote our activities with all our colleagues around the world.

Keeping your information updated in the Skål International platform is a first step towards these goals and, I encourage you to please take a moment and do this by reviewing the instructions indicated in this publication.

I am honored to have been elected by you as Director in this new board and encourage you to share with us information and news you feel are relevant to all.


Always in friendship and Skål,

Annette Cardenas

Skål International Director

PR, Communications & Social Media